Thursday, October 21, 2010

College Life

College life is a conglomeration of various things,which explains every individual, who passes through this memorable phase, about all goods and bads in the life. Affection and Estrangement;Selfishness and selflessness;the Power of winning; and the Superpower of losing.College life teaches us everything unconditionally. It is up to an individual to take it from 'The Teacher'.It was an one such College;one such life, more beautiful and adorable than one could expect. But unfortunately, all the beautiful things come and label itself with an expiry date;hence they are momentary..

Kushal,studying in prefinal year Mechanical Engineering, was witty,ambitious,straight-forward and handsome guy.He always had his own spectrum of thoughts;had a invidualistic gang of friends;invariably looked cheerful and optimistic.His thoughts were rebellious and creative.With his presence,the ambience would appear to be exuberant.One such exuberant day,He,along with his a few friends, took a postprandial walk,chewed the topics that flashed across.'Hey Kushal, How are you so sharp in the project', exclaimed the studious.'He is not only sharp in the project, but also in some other fishy fields', remarked the other,made and left the statement for speculation. The friends started to guess and pestered Kushal. The circumference of his lips inadvertently increased by a half: He smiled.

Kushal started to narrate his romantic episode with Priya,his classmate. He had known of her and had his interactions quite often. It is needless to say that,he loved her;Unrestrained gush of emotions flew in him,whenever he thought about her. He believed She too loved him. The friends, hearing the story,congratulated Kushal and the Kushal's romantic episode was told and proliferated throughout the hostel. Finally, it went into the ears of Priya's lover : Venkat, who was studying prefinal year Computer Science Engineering. (The character of Venkat was exactly opposite to kushal in most of the attributes).He got irritated and he moved towards Kushal's room.Venkat anguishly rushed into the Kushal's room;choked the Kushal's shirt.'Do you know that I love Priya, She is my girl', Venkat grunted. Sooner, Kushal's friends came for rescue and demanded Venkat to apologize.

Reckless Venkat pulled Kushal out of the hostel; and the friends followed them. They moved towards the Canteen, where Priya was having her lunch.The big crowd gathered infront of Priya's table, with Venkat and kushal leading them. Venkat shouted Priya,'do you love me?, or this Idiot?'. 'I love you, Venkat, Why suddenly?', Priya timidly replied. 'Did you hear that', Venkat,eyeing at Kushal,squalled at him.Kushal's friends protested and they were not able to digest that their dearest friend was being hurt. They made hue and cry;but Kushal, being dejected,demonstrated the principle of silence and left the place without uttering any word..The statement would not be a hyperbole, if I say,It needs million hearts and myriad minds for a girl to disqualify a person like Kushal.Ofcourse, Girls have their own logic of finding their right person.

Kushal broke into tears : the tears that could not be easily wiped off. He looked despondent,with no ray of hope about anything.His close friends tried their best to revive Kushal. The Days passed by. He started to forget those memories. But the memories would come and haunt any individual, when the indiviual invites those memories unwillingly. Kushal would be in deplorable state, whenever he caught an attention of Priya and Venkat in close intimacy.Then he had to resurrect himself again.In Short: He was enmeshed in the days of mixed emotions.

Kushal advanced to final year.And it was the time of College Election.One of the candidate was Venkat. Kushal was encouraged by his friends to take part in the election. Though he didn't have too much inclination towards it, he concurred with his friends. The streams of campaigns from either side took place rigorously. So many negative tactics were followed.The college were divided into two groups under Kushal and Venkat.At the end, Venkat turned out to be 'DON' of the college. Kushal was defeated; an another defeat from the hands of Venkat in a different way. Kushal, more than being sad, ashamed of himself, of not able to win in any way.But again, his close friends came to the rescue. To avert Kushal's thoughts, his friends arranged for a tour. Though kushal went to the tour uninterestingly, he returned back with the invigorated thoughts. He began to speak again exuberantly.He acquired more friends, irrespective of the group. In those days, Optimism,Jubilance,cheerfulness always seemed to revolve around Kushal..

College days reached its culmination with the Final cultural event, which was an exhibition of different kinds of expressions and emotions.It was an event organised by Venkat. Kushal's friends were reluctant to participate. Kushal's mind dictated,'it is a final opportunity,Go and Enjoy!'. Kushal nominated himself in an event called 'Foot Loose'(where the participant was expected to dance to the tunes, that would be played on the spot), inspite of his friend's objections. The event started. Amidst many expectations and a few dispargements, Kushal ourperformed and his performance was received with thundering applause.Kushal felt a sigh of relief and was congratulated and hugged. Expectedly, he was not given any prize, though he won the hearts of many..

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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Nice one linga.. I really did not get bored or diverted while reading the entire write up.. very good try.

    But oh !! you made me refer to dictionary many a times :)

    Hope many more flow in this blog. Nice name for the blog too..
